The definition of importance attaches itself to us in a way that only we as ourselves can see. Just as importance to one is finding success in monetary wealth; to another it could mean spiritual wealth.

Importance to each of us is viewed individually and varyingly, therefore containing a different value from the people around us. We’re born with it, and like our shadow it grows as we do and follows us around in life.

It already belongs to us but we crave for more.

We’re creatures created to be one-of-a-kind yet the one thing we all share in common is that undying and utter desire to feel important. 

Not from someone else’s words nor from under someone’s else’s shadow. It’s the kind of importance we aim to look for within ourselves. The kind we can declare blissfully with our eyes closed: “I am content. I am full.” For few of us have it, most of us strive for it, all of us want it. 

So how do we get it?

It’s for that exact reason that we, as humans continue to live and grow. That we describe life as a journey, where we follow the map of time as we experience all of life’s gifts, trials, and tribulations.

Constantly searching in some way, shape, or form, to reach the point where we believe importance lays.